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Testimonials from:
Previous Students Interns, Pre-Licensed Clinicians, and Colleagues

"" I can't imagine where I would be had I not had Alexa as my Supervisor. With tremendously felt intention and care, Alexa supported and nurtured my growth making known that she had my back and believed in me every step of the way. Through moments of self-doubt and internal friction, she created a supervisory space that both empowered me and challenged me to be self-reflective and constantly curious. Alexa endowed in me the invaluable ability to feel capable and safe enough to take important risks during my time as an intern that have been crucial to my development as a clinician, particularly for my self-confidence and resilience. Her unwavering commitment and respect for me and my growth was palpable, always sharing resources to supplement my learning and role-modeling qualities that, still to this day, I strive to emulate. Through having opportunities to observe Alexa with patients, I had the privilege of witnessing and learning what deeply compassionate care really looks like. Her unconditional positive regard for every patient, her ability to develop a therapeutic rapport with absolutely anyone, and her focus on centering cultural humility and consciousness in all of her interactions, set an important standard for me as a therapist and human."


“You are the most beautiful balance of thoughtful, intentional and silly, and I am so grateful that you were so open to welcoming me here and to being connected.” 


“I can’t imagine a better supervisor for my first outing in DMT practice. I have felt supported, challenged, rooted for, buoyed… you own commitment to constant research and play has imprinted my developing practice in a way that I believe will continue to serve me throughout my career.” 


“We cannot thank you enough for taking us in and allowing us to co-facilitate with you to make music and movement connect so well. We will take what we’ve learned from you into our practice as music therapist.” 


“In working together for a such a short time, I feel I have grown so much as a person and as a clinician because of you. Your generous spirit knows no bounds. You meet our patients in such a playful and magical space, which you (seemingly) create effortlessly. “ 


Testimonials & Insights from Previous Clients

“I need to stop seeing my body as the enemy and start listening to its wisdom” 


​“After working with you it solidified how somatic trauma recovery work is where I want to focus my recovery”


“It was a pleasure working with you and rediscovering my voice in written words. I will take your imaginary ball and coping skills with me and remember them when I take my walks or read our poems again. Thanks for your smile, imagination, happy and caring personality among many other things.”


“Thank you so much for your patience, and creativity in helping me battle this Depression. It’s been a difficult few years but I will always remember your words, tips and you! I’ve always felt crazy and you’ve helped me realize my feelings are valid.” 


“Thank you… for being how you were with me. For your joy, for the light you have taught me. For caring. For your energy. For the joy you brought with your presence. For teaching me coping skills. You are one of a kind.”


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